Invoicing HUONE Kamppi
Please find below HUONE Kamppi Oy (3328408-9) invoicing address that is valid from October 8th, 2024. We kindly ask you to send invoices primarily as an e-invoice.
The address field on the invoices should always include:
HUONE Kamppi Oy
Malminkatu 30
00100 Helsinki
E-Invoice address:
E-invoice address /OVT: 003733284089
Operator ID: 003721291126
Operator: Maventa
E-mail address for PDF invoices: 33284089@scan.netvisor.fi
Please note that the invoice must include currency and buyer reference in order for it to be processed. For additional information about the reference please contact your primary contact. Please ensure that the information is clearly visible on the invoice.
In case of invoicing-related questions, please contact invoicing@huone.events.
Invoicing HUONE Kluuvi/HUONE Kaivopiha
Please find below HUONE Kluuvi Oy (3447518-6) invoicing address that is valid from October 8th, 2024. We kindly ask you to send invoices primarily as an e-invoice.
HUONE Kluuvi Oy
c/o HUONE International Oy
Malminkatu 30
00100 Helsinki
*In addition to this, there must be mentioned the unit (Kluuvi / Kaivopiha) of HUONE Kluuvi Oy, which the order applies.
E-Invoice address:
E-invoice address /OVT: 003734475186
Operator ID: 003721291126
Operator: Maventa
E-mail address for PDF invoices:
Invoicing HUONE International
The invoicing details for HUONE International are available on this page.