Do creative settings contribute to more effective meetings?

When people meet face-to-face, we want to go outside our usual framework and hold meetings away from home or an office – both to bring the team together, and also to be able to focus on the goal. But does it really make a difference for the meeting participants to be in a creative environment? Our event coordinator trainee, Sofie, decided to investigate this as part of her study.

The article is written based on the content of Sofie’s thesis study. The study was based on a survey result from 51 respondents from various industries and job titles, two in-depth interviews, as well as HUONE’s internal data.

3 Key findings from the survey

  1. Practical details of an event organization are highly valued by participants
  2. There is a demand for informal and inspiring settings as well as personal service when it comes to creating a good meeting experience for participants
  3. HUONE’s surroundings make a difference in the outcome of the day for meeting participants

1. Practical details of an event are highly valued by the participants

According to the survey, the details that you pay attention to when planning a meeting or event are highly valued. This concerns, among other things, that there is enough space for the meeting participants, good parking options, whether the internet works optimally, price, catering quality, and that the agenda and schedule are kept. At HUONE, you always have a personal event coordinator assigned to your event, who precisely helps you with these practical details and is present on the day of your event to make sure things run smoothly.

2. Informal and inspiring settings are in demand for a ‘good meeting experience’

According to the study, a good meeting experience does not necessarily equate to ‘different’ or ‘creative’ meeting frameworks. However,  there is a clear demand for informal and inspiring settings for events without the traditional black boardroom table and white walls that we are all familiar with. Personal service was also another important factor in creating a better meeting experience.
There is no doubt that different frameworks help to create different ideas. Especially, if the facilitator knows how to utilize the meeting rooms. The decor and the visual inputs the participants experience can be consciously used as elements in the creative and developing process, and help to get to where the new and good ideas lieLars Odyja Pedersen, Lecturer and Team Coordinator at NEXT Business 

3. HUONE’s surroundings make a difference in meeting participants

The respondents of the survey who had visited HUONE Copenhagen were both happy and felt comfortable in HUONE’s innovative meeting rooms. They suggested that the creative framework influenced their work process positively, where they felt more engaged and productive —at the same time they were invited to play and have fun! HUONE’s meeting and conference rooms are precisely designed to create a framework for better meetings.


Back to the main question: Do creative settings contribute to more effective meetings? The answer is YES! Efficiency improved for the meeting participants by holding events in innovative surroundings. HUONE’s framework encourages the meeting participants to be more engaged, and participate more actively in the meetings, where the work process becomes more creative and productive. 

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